Boost Your Credit Score in 30 Days


While there is no magic elixir to transform your score overnight (rebuilding your credit ultimately takes time, after all), here are three things you can do to boost your credit score in 30 days

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Identity Theft vs. Credit Card Fraud


Identity theft: It sounds self-explanatory – but do you know all the different facets of this crime? 

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Identity Theft: The Aftermath 2016™


The ITRC’s Aftermath studies have long been recognized for their focus on addressing the impact of identity theft on its victims. The Aftermath 2016 report is the latest in this series of studies, which began in 2003. 

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Great Financial Wellness Includes Identity Protection


What exactly should you look for in an identity protection service?

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Simple Online Security Methods to Help Proctect Your Accounts


 Just about everyone knows the importance of keeping their various online accounts as safe as possible on an ongoing basis. However, it’s not always easy to do because of the ways in which threats now evolve. 

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Can a Credit Freeze Protect Your Identity?


You can implement a credit freeze by contacting the credit bureaus separately and requesting a freeze. These simple calls can often help to deter an identity thief.

But, a credit freeze doesn’t just freeze out a thief, it can block certain entities from having access to it.

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